▼Nstd | STL namespace |
Ctuple_element< I, TNL::Containers::StaticArray< N, T > > | |
Ctuple_element< I, TNL::Containers::StaticVector< N, T > > | |
Ctuple_size< TNL::Containers::StaticArray< N, T > > | |
Ctuple_size< TNL::Containers::StaticVector< N, T > > | |
▼NTNL | The main TNL namespace |
►NAlgorithms | Namespace for fundamental TNL algorithms |
►NSegments | Namespace for the segments data structures |
CBiEllpack | |
CBiEllpackBase | |
CBiEllpackSegmentView | |
CBiEllpackView | |
CChunkedEllpack | |
CChunkedEllpackBase | |
CChunkedEllpackSegmentView | |
CChunkedEllpackSegmentView< Index, ColumnMajorOrder > | |
CChunkedEllpackSegmentView< Index, RowMajorOrder > | |
CChunkedEllpackView | |
CCSR | Data structure for CSR segments format |
CCSRBase | CSRBase serves as a base class for CSR and CSRView |
CCSRView | CSRView is provides a non-owning encapsulation of data stored in the CSR segments format |
CDefaultElementsOrganization | |
CEllpack | |
CEllpackBase | |
CEllpackView | |
CGrowingSegments | |
CGrowingSegmentsView | |
CSegmentElement | Simple structure representing one element of a segment |
CSegmentView | Data structure for accessing particular segment |
CSegmentView< Index, ColumnMajorOrder > | Data structure for accessing particular segment |
CSegmentView< Index, RowMajorOrder > | |
CSegmentViewIterator | Iterator for iterating over elements of a segment |
CSlicedEllpack | |
CSlicedEllpackBase | |
CSlicedEllpackView | |
►NSegmentsReductionKernels | |
CBiEllpackKernel | |
CChunkedEllpackKernel | |
CCSRAdaptiveKernel | |
CCSRAdaptiveKernelView | |
CCSRHybridKernel | |
CCSRLightKernel | |
CCSRScalarKernel | |
CCSRVectorKernel | |
CDefaultKernel | |
CDefaultKernel< Segments::BiEllpackView< Device, Index, Organization, WarpSize > > | |
CDefaultKernel< Segments::ChunkedEllpackView< Device, Index, Organization > > | |
CDefaultKernel< Segments::CSRView< Device, Index > > | |
CDefaultKernel< Segments::EllpackView< Device, Index, Organization, Alignment > > | |
CDefaultKernel< Segments::SlicedEllpackView< Device, Index, Organization, SliceSize > > | |
CEllpackKernel | |
CisSegmentReductionKernel | |
CisSegmentReductionKernel< BiEllpackKernel< Index, Device > > | |
CisSegmentReductionKernel< ChunkedEllpackKernel< Index, Device > > | |
CisSegmentReductionKernel< CSRAdaptiveKernel< Index, Device > > | |
CisSegmentReductionKernel< CSRAdaptiveKernelView< Index, Device > > | |
CisSegmentReductionKernel< CSRHybridKernel< Index, Device, ThreadsInBlock > > | |
CisSegmentReductionKernel< CSRLightKernel< Index, Device > > | |
CisSegmentReductionKernel< CSRScalarKernel< Index, Device > > | |
CisSegmentReductionKernel< CSRVectorKernel< Index, Device > > | |
CisSegmentReductionKernel< EllpackKernel< Index, Device > > | |
CisSegmentReductionKernel< SlicedEllpackKernel< Index, Device > > | |
CSlicedEllpackKernel | |
►NSorting | |
CBitonicSort | |
CBubbleSort | |
CDefaultInplaceSorter | |
CDefaultInplaceSorter< Devices::Cuda > | |
CDefaultInplaceSorter< Devices::Host > | |
CDefaultInplaceSorter< Devices::Sequential > | |
CDefaultSorter | |
CDefaultSorter< Devices::Cuda > | |
CDefaultSorter< Devices::Host > | |
CDefaultSorter< Devices::Sequential > | |
CQuicksort | |
CQuicksorter | |
CQuicksorter< Value, Devices::Cuda > | |
CSTLSort | |
CAtomicOperations | |
CAtomicOperations< Devices::Cuda > | |
CAtomicOperations< Devices::Host > | |
CAtomicOperations< Devices::Sequential > | |
CCudaReductionBuffer | |
CMultireduction | |
CMultireduction< Devices::Cuda > | |
CMultireduction< Devices::Host > | |
CMultireduction< Devices::Sequential > | |
CSegmentedScan | Computes segmented scan (or prefix sum) on a vector |
CSegmentedScan< Devices::Cuda, Type > | |
CSegmentedScan< Devices::Host, Type > | |
CSegmentedScan< Devices::Sequential, Type > | |
CSequentialFor | Wrapper to ParallelFor which makes it run sequentially |
►NAllocators | Namespace for TNL allocators |
CCuda | Allocator for the CUDA device memory space |
CCudaHost | Allocator for page-locked memory on the host |
CCudaManaged | Allocator for the CUDA Unified Memory system |
CDefault | A trait-like class used for the selection of a default allocators for given device |
CDefault< Devices::Cuda > | Sets Allocators::Cuda as the default allocator for Devices::Cuda |
CDefault< Devices::Host > | Sets Allocators::Host as the default allocator for Devices::Host |
CDefault< Devices::Sequential > | Sets Allocators::Host as the default allocator for Devices::Sequential |
CHip | Allocator for the HIP device memory space |
CHipHost | Allocator for page-locked memory on the host |
CHipManaged | Allocator for the HIP Unified Memory system |
►NArithmetics | |
CComplex | Implementation of complex types |
CDouble | |
CMultiPrecision | |
CQuad | |
►NBackend | Internal namespace for CUDA/HIP backend support |
CLaunchConfiguration | Holds the parameters necessary to launch a CUDA or HIP kernel (i.e. schedule it for execution on some stream of some device) |
CSharedMemory | |
CSharedMemory< T, 16 > | |
CSharedMemory< T, 32 > | |
CSharedMemory< T, 64 > | |
CSharedMemory< T, 8 > | |
CStream | |
CStreamPool | |
►NBenchmarks | |
CBenchmark | |
CBenchmarkResult | |
CJsonLogging | |
CLogging | |
CLoggingRowElements | |
►NCFD | Namespace for Computational Fluid Dynamics utilities in TNL |
CTurbulenceGenerator | Synthetic turbulence generator based on the code from [1, 2]. Usable for initial as well as inlet boundary conditions |
►NConfig | |
CConfigDelimiter | |
CConfigDescription | |
CConfigEntry | |
CConfigEntryBase | |
CConfigEntryList | |
CParameterContainer | |
CParameterTypeCoercion | |
CParameterTypeCoercion< std::vector< T > > | |
►NContainers | Namespace for TNL containers |
►NExpressions | |
CBinaryExpressionTemplate | |
CBinaryExpressionTemplate< T1, T2, Operation, ArithmeticVariable, VectorExpressionVariable > | |
CBinaryExpressionTemplate< T1, T2, Operation, VectorExpressionVariable, ArithmeticVariable > | |
CBinaryExpressionTemplate< T1, T2, Operation, VectorExpressionVariable, VectorExpressionVariable > | |
CDistributedBinaryExpressionTemplate | |
CDistributedBinaryExpressionTemplate< T1, T2, Operation, ArithmeticVariable, VectorExpressionVariable > | |
CDistributedBinaryExpressionTemplate< T1, T2, Operation, VectorExpressionVariable, ArithmeticVariable > | |
CDistributedBinaryExpressionTemplate< T1, T2, Operation, VectorExpressionVariable, VectorExpressionVariable > | |
CDistributedUnaryExpressionTemplate | |
CHasEnabledDistributedExpressionTemplates | |
CHasEnabledDistributedExpressionTemplates< DistributedBinaryExpressionTemplate< T1, T2, Operation, T1Type, T2Type > > | |
CHasEnabledDistributedExpressionTemplates< DistributedUnaryExpressionTemplate< T1, Operation > > | |
CHasEnabledDistributedExpressionTemplates< DistributedVector< Real, Device, Index, Allocator > > | |
CHasEnabledDistributedExpressionTemplates< DistributedVectorView< Real, Device, Index > > | |
CHasEnabledExpressionTemplates | |
CHasEnabledExpressionTemplates< BinaryExpressionTemplate< T1, T2, Operation, T1Type, T2Type > > | |
CHasEnabledExpressionTemplates< UnaryExpressionTemplate< T1, Operation > > | |
CHasEnabledExpressionTemplates< Vector< Real, Device, Index, Allocator > > | |
CHasEnabledExpressionTemplates< VectorView< Real, Device, Index > > | |
CHasEnabledStaticExpressionTemplates | |
CHasEnabledStaticExpressionTemplates< StaticBinaryExpressionTemplate< T1, T2, Operation, T1Type, T2Type > > | |
CHasEnabledStaticExpressionTemplates< StaticUnaryExpressionTemplate< T1, Operation > > | |
CHasEnabledStaticExpressionTemplates< StaticVector< Size, Real > > | |
CIsArithmeticSubtype | |
CIsArithmeticSubtype< T, T, false > | |
CIsArithmeticSubtype< T, T, true > | |
CIsArithmeticSubtype< T, V, false > | |
COperandMemberType | |
COperandMemberType< R, typename enable_if_type< typename R::VectorOperandType >::type > | |
CRemoveExpressionTemplate | |
CRemoveExpressionTemplate< R, typename enable_if_type< typename std::decay_t< R >::VectorOperandType >::type > | |
CStaticBinaryExpressionTemplate | |
CStaticBinaryExpressionTemplate< T1, T2, Operation, ArithmeticVariable, VectorExpressionVariable > | |
CStaticBinaryExpressionTemplate< T1, T2, Operation, VectorExpressionVariable, ArithmeticVariable > | |
CStaticBinaryExpressionTemplate< T1, T2, Operation, VectorExpressionVariable, VectorExpressionVariable > | |
CStaticUnaryExpressionTemplate | |
CUnaryExpressionTemplate | |
CArray | Array is responsible for memory management, access to array elements, and general array operations |
CArrayView | ArrayView is a simple data structure which provides a non-owning encapsulation of array data. That is, ArrayView is like Array without memory management |
CBlock | Minimal class representing a block of an equidistant D-dimensional lattice |
CByteArraySynchronizer | |
CConstStaticSizesHolder | |
CDistributedArray | Distributed array |
CDistributedArraySynchronizer | |
CDistributedArrayView | Distributed array view |
CDistributedNDArray | Distributed N-dimensional array |
►CDistributedNDArraySynchronizer | Synchronizer for DistributedNDArray |
CCopyKernel | |
CDistributedNDArrayView | Distributed N-dimensional array view |
CDistributedVector | DistributedVector extends DistributedArray with algebraic operations |
CDistributedVectorView | DistributedVectorView extends DistributedArrayView with algebraic operations |
CGinkgoVector | Wrapper for representing vectors using Ginkgo data structure |
CHypreParVector | Wrapper for Hypre's parallel vector |
CHypreVector | Wrapper for Hypre's sequential vector |
►CIndexedMap | |
CDataWithIndex | |
CIndexedSet | |
CLocalBeginsHolder | |
CNDArray | Dynamic N-dimensional array |
CNDArrayIndexer | Indexer for N-dimensional arrays. It does not store any data, only the sizes of each dimension |
CNDArrayStorage | Base storage class for NDArray, StaticNDArray and SlicedNDArray |
CNDArrayView | Simple data structure which provides a non-owning encapsulation of N-dimensional array data |
CSizesHolder | Holds static and dynamic sizes of an N-dimensional array |
CSlicedNDArray | Dynamic N-dimensional array with configurable slicing/tiling |
CSliceInfo | Describes slicing configuration for SlicedNDArray |
CStaticArray | Array with constant size |
CStaticNDArray | Static N-dimensional array |
CStaticSizesHolder | Holds static sizes of an N-dimensional array |
CStaticVector | Vector with constant size |
CSubrange | |
CUnorderedIndexedSet | |
CVector | Vector extends Array with algebraic operations |
CVectorView | VectorView extends ArrayView with algebraic operations |
►NDevices | Namespace for TNL execution models |
CGPU | |
►CHost | |
CLaunchConfiguration | |
►CSequential | |
CLaunchConfiguration | Not used by any sequential algorithm, only for compatibility with parallel execution models |
►NExceptions | Namespace for TNL exceptions |
CBackendBadAlloc | |
CBackendRuntimeError | |
CBackendSupportMissing | |
CConfigError | |
CFileDeserializationError | |
CFileSerializationError | |
CMPISupportMissing | |
CNotImplementedError | |
►NFunctions | |
CBoundaryMeshFunction | |
CCutMeshFunction | |
CDomain | |
CExactOperatorFunction | |
CFunctionAdapter | |
CFunctionAdapter< Mesh, Function, NonspaceDomain > | |
CFunctionAdapter< Mesh, Function, SpaceDomain > | |
CMeshFunction | |
CMeshFunctionEvaluator | |
CMeshFunctionEvaluatorAdditionEntitiesProcessor | |
CMeshFunctionEvaluatorAssignmentEntitiesProcessor | |
CMeshFunctionEvaluatorTraverserUserData | |
CMeshFunctionGnuplotWriter | |
CMeshFunctionGnuplotWriter< MeshFunction, Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension > | |
CMeshFunctionGnuplotWriter< MeshFunction, Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension > | |
►CMeshFunctionGnuplotWriterBase | |
Ccenter | |
Ccenter< Entity, 0 > | |
Ccenter< TNL::Meshes::MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topology >, 0 > | |
Ccenter< TNL::Meshes::MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topology >, dim > | |
CMeshFunctionNormGetter | |
CMeshFunctionNormGetter< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, Devices::Cuda, MeshIndex > > | |
CMeshFunctionNormGetter< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > > | |
CMeshFunctionView | |
COperatorFunction | |
COperatorFunction< Operator, Function, BoundaryConditions, false, IsAnalytic > | |
COperatorFunction< Operator, Function, void, false, true > | |
COperatorFunction< Operator, MeshFunctionT, BoundaryConditions, true, IsAnalytic > | |
COperatorFunction< Operator, MeshFunctionT, void, true, IsAnalytic > | |
COperatorFunction< Operator, PreimageFunction, void, false, IsAnalytic > | |
CVectorField | |
CVectorField< Size, MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real > > | |
CVectorField< Size, MeshFunctionView< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real > > | |
CVectorFieldEvaluator | |
CVectorFieldEvaluatorAdditionEntitiesProcessor | |
CVectorFieldEvaluatorAssignmentEntitiesProcessor | |
CVectorFieldEvaluatorTraverserUserData | |
CVectorFieldGnuplotWriter | |
CVectorFieldGnuplotWriter< VectorField< VectorFieldSize, MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 0, Real > > > | |
CVectorFieldGnuplotWriter< VectorField< VectorFieldSize, MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 1, Real > > > | |
CVectorFieldGnuplotWriter< VectorField< VectorFieldSize, MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 0, Real > > > | |
CVectorFieldGnuplotWriter< VectorField< VectorFieldSize, MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 1, Real > > > | |
CVectorFieldGnuplotWriter< VectorField< VectorFieldSize, MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 2, Real > > > | |
CVectorFieldGnuplotWriter< VectorField< VectorFieldSize, MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 0, Real > > > | |
CVectorFieldGnuplotWriter< VectorField< VectorFieldSize, MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 2, Real > > > | |
CVectorFieldGnuplotWriter< VectorField< VectorFieldSize, MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 3, Real > > > | |
►NGraphs | |
CAux | |
CEdge | |
CForest | |
CGraph | |
CGraphReader | |
CGraphWriter | |
►NImages | Namespace for image processing |
CDicomHeader | |
CDicomImageInfo | |
CDicomPatientInfo | |
CDicomSeries | |
CDicomSeriesInfo | |
CDirectionCosines | |
CImage | |
CImageOrientationToPatient | |
CImagePositionToPatient | |
CImagesInfo | |
CJPEGImage | |
CPGMImage | |
CPixelSpacing | |
CPNGImage | |
CRegionOfInterest | |
CWindowCenterWidth | |
►NMatrices | Namespace for matrix formats |
►Ndetails | |
CMultidiagonalMatrixIndexer | |
CTridiagonalMatrixIndexer | |
CDenseMatrix | Implementation of dense matrix, i.e. matrix storing explicitly all of its elements including zeros |
CDenseMatrixBase | Implementation of dense matrix view |
CDenseMatrixElement | Accessor for dense matrix elements |
CDenseMatrixRowView | RowView is a simple structure for accessing rows of dense matrix |
CDenseMatrixView | Implementation of dense matrix view |
CDistributedMatrix | |
CGeneralMatrix | General non-symmetric matrix type |
CGinkgoOperator | Wraps a general TNL matrix as a Ginkgo LinOp |
CHypreCSRMatrix | Wrapper for Hypre's sequential CSR matrix |
CHypreParCSRMatrix | Wrapper for Hypre's sequential CSR matrix |
CLambdaMatrix | "Matrix-free matrix" based on lambda functions |
CLambdaMatrixElement | Accessor for elements of lambda matrix |
CLambdaMatrixFactory | Helper class for creating instances of LambdaMatrix |
CLambdaMatrixRowView | RowView is a simple structure for accessing rows of Lambda matrix |
CLambdaMatrixRowViewIterator | |
CMatrixBase | Base class for the implementation of concrete matrix types |
CMatrixInfo | |
CMatrixOperations | |
CMatrixOperations< Devices::Cuda > | |
CMatrixReader | Helper class for importing of matrices from different input formats |
CMatrixRowViewIterator | |
CMatrixType | Structure for specifying type of sparse matrix |
CMatrixWriter | Helper class for exporting of matrices to different output formats |
CMultidiagonalMatrix | Implementation of sparse multidiagonal matrix |
CMultidiagonalMatrixBase | A common base class for MultidiagonalMatrix and MultidiagonalMatrixView |
CMultidiagonalMatrixElement | Accessor for multidiagonal matrix elements |
CMultidiagonalMatrixRowView | RowView is a simple structure for accessing rows of multidiagonal matrix |
CMultidiagonalMatrixView | Implementation of sparse multidiagonal matrix |
CSparseMatrix | Implementation of sparse matrix, i.e. matrix storing only non-zero elements |
CSparseMatrixBase | Implementation of sparse matrix view |
CSparseMatrixElement | Accessor for sparse matrix elements |
CSparseMatrixRowView | RowView is a simple structure for accessing rows of sparse matrix |
CSparseMatrixView | Implementation of sparse matrix view |
CStaticMatrix | |
CSymmetricMatrix | Symmetric matrix type |
CTridiagonalMatrix | Implementation of sparse tridiagonal matrix |
CTridiagonalMatrixBase | A common base class for TridiagonalMatrix and TridiagonalMatrixView |
CTridiagonalMatrixRowView | RowView is a simple structure for accessing rows of tridiagonal matrix |
CTridiagonalMatrixView | Implementation of sparse tridiagonal matrix |
►NMeshes | Namespace for numerical meshes and related objects |
►NBuildConfigTags | Namespace for the configuration of the GridTypeResolver and MeshTypeResolver using so-called build config tags and partial class template specializations |
CGridDeviceTag | |
CGridDeviceTag< ConfigTag, Devices::Cuda > | |
CGridDeviceTag< ConfigTag, Devices::Host > | |
CGridDimensionTag | |
CGridIndexTag | |
CGridIndexTag< ConfigTag, int > | |
CGridIndexTag< ConfigTag, long int > | |
CGridRealTag | |
CGridRealTag< ConfigTag, double > | |
CGridRealTag< ConfigTag, float > | |
CGridTag | |
CGridTag< ConfigTag, Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > > | |
CMeshCellTopologyTag | |
CMeshConfigTemplateTag | |
CMeshDeviceTag | |
CMeshDeviceTag< ConfigTag, Devices::Cuda > | |
CMeshDeviceTag< ConfigTag, Devices::Host > | |
CMeshGlobalIndexTag | |
CMeshGlobalIndexTag< ConfigTag, int > | |
CMeshGlobalIndexTag< ConfigTag, long int > | |
CMeshLocalIndexTag | |
CMeshLocalIndexTag< ConfigTag, short int > | |
CMeshRealTag | |
CMeshRealTag< ConfigTag, double > | |
CMeshRealTag< ConfigTag, float > | |
CMeshSpaceDimensionTag | |
CMeshTag | |
►NDistributedMeshes | |
CBufferEntitiesHelper | |
CBufferEntitiesHelper< MeshFunctionType, MaskPointer, 1, RealType, Device, Index > | |
CBufferEntitiesHelper< MeshFunctionType, MaskPointer, 2, RealType, Device, Index > | |
CBufferEntitiesHelper< MeshFunctionType, MaskPointer, 3, RealType, Device, Index > | |
CCopyEntitiesHelper | |
CCopyEntitiesHelper< MeshFunctionType, 1 > | |
CCopyEntitiesHelper< MeshFunctionType, 2 > | |
CCopyEntitiesHelper< MeshFunctionType, 3 > | |
CDirections | |
CDistributedMesh | |
CDistributedMesh< Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > > | |
CDistributedMeshSynchronizer | |
CDistributedMeshSynchronizer< DistributedMesh< Grid< MeshDimension, GridReal, Device, Index > >, MeshDimension > | |
CGlobalIndexStorage | |
CGlobalIndexStorageFamily | |
CGlobalIndexStorageFamily< Mesh, Device, Meshes::DimensionTag< Mesh::getMeshDimension()+1 > > | |
CHasMeshType | |
CHasMeshType< T, typename enable_if_type< typename T::MeshType >::type > | |
CSubdomainOverlapsGetter | |
CSubdomainOverlapsGetter< Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > > | |
CSubdomainOverlapsGetter< Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > > | |
CSubdomainOverlapsGetter< Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > > | |
►NReaders | Namespace for mesh readers |
CFPMAReader | |
CMeshReader | |
CMeshReaderError | |
CNetgenReader | |
CPVTIReader | |
CPVTUReader | |
CVTIReader | |
CVTKReader | |
CVTUReader | |
►NTopologies | Namespace for unstructured mesh entity topologies |
►NSimplexDetails | |
CCombinationIncrement | |
CCombinationIncrementImpl | |
CCombinationIncrementImpl< n, k, combinationIndex, 0 > | |
CCombinationValue | |
CCombinationValue< n, k, 0, valueIndex > | |
CNumCombinations | |
CNumCombinations< n, 0 > | |
CNumCombinations< n, n > | |
CEdge | |
CHexahedron | |
CIsDynamicTopology | Type trait for checking if Topology has at least one missing Subtopology< Topology, D > >count for all D from Topology::dimension - 1 to 0 |
CIsDynamicTopology< Topology, 1 > | Specialization for D = 1 to end recursion |
CIsDynamicTopology< Vertex, 0 > | Specialization for Vertex Topology |
CNumCombinations | |
CPolygon | |
CPolyhedron | |
CPyramid | |
CQuadrangle | |
CSimplex | |
CSubentityVertexCount | |
CSubentityVertexCount< Pyramid, Polygon, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexCount< Pyramid, Polygon, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexCount< Pyramid, Polygon, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexCount< Pyramid, Polygon, 3 > | |
CSubentityVertexCount< Pyramid, Polygon, 4 > | |
CSubentityVertexCount< Wedge, Polygon, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexCount< Wedge, Polygon, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexCount< Wedge, Polygon, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexCount< Wedge, Polygon, 3 > | |
CSubentityVertexCount< Wedge, Polygon, 4 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 0, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 0, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 1, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 1, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 10, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 10, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 11, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 11, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 2, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 2, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 3, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 3, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 4, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 4, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 5, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 5, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 6, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 6, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 7, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 7, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 8, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 8, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 9, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Edge, 9, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 0, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 0, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 0, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 0, 3 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 1, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 1, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 1, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 1, 3 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 2, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 2, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 2, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 2, 3 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 3, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 3, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 3, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 3, 3 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 4, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 4, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 4, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 4, 3 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 5, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 5, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 5, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Hexahedron, Quadrangle, 5, 3 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 0, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 0, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 1, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 1, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 2, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 2, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 3, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 3, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 4, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 4, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 5, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 5, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 6, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 6, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 7, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Edge, 7, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 0, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 0, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 0, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 0, 3 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 1, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 1, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 1, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 2, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 2, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 2, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 3, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 3, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 3, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 4, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 4, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Pyramid, Polygon, 4, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Quadrangle, Edge, 0, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Quadrangle, Edge, 0, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Quadrangle, Edge, 1, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Quadrangle, Edge, 1, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Quadrangle, Edge, 2, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Quadrangle, Edge, 2, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Quadrangle, Edge, 3, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Quadrangle, Edge, 3, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Simplex< dimension >, Subtopology, subtopologyIndex, vertexIndex > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Edge, 0, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Edge, 0, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Edge, 1, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Edge, 1, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Edge, 2, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Edge, 2, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Edge, 3, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Edge, 3, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Edge, 4, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Edge, 4, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Edge, 5, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Edge, 5, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Triangle, 0, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Triangle, 0, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Triangle, 0, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Triangle, 1, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Triangle, 1, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Triangle, 1, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Triangle, 2, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Triangle, 2, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Triangle, 2, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Triangle, 3, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Triangle, 3, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Tetrahedron, Triangle, 3, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Triangle, Edge, 0, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Triangle, Edge, 0, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Triangle, Edge, 1, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Triangle, Edge, 1, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Triangle, Edge, 2, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Triangle, Edge, 2, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 0, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 0, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 1, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 1, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 2, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 2, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 3, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 3, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 4, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 4, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 5, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 5, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 6, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 6, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 7, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 7, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 8, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Edge, 8, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 0, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 0, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 0, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 1, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 1, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 1, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 2, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 2, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 2, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 2, 3 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 3, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 3, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 3, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 3, 3 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 4, 0 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 4, 1 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 4, 2 > | |
CSubentityVertexMap< Wedge, Polygon, 4, 3 > | |
CSubtopology | |
CSubtopology< Edge, 0 > | |
CSubtopology< Hexahedron, 0 > | |
CSubtopology< Hexahedron, 1 > | |
CSubtopology< Hexahedron, 2 > | |
CSubtopology< Polygon, 0 > | |
CSubtopology< Polygon, 1 > | |
CSubtopology< Polyhedron, 0 > | |
CSubtopology< Polyhedron, 1 > | |
CSubtopology< Polyhedron, 2 > | |
CSubtopology< Pyramid, 0 > | |
CSubtopology< Pyramid, 1 > | |
CSubtopology< Pyramid, 2 > | |
CSubtopology< Quadrangle, 0 > | |
CSubtopology< Quadrangle, 1 > | |
CSubtopology< Simplex< dimension >, 0 > | |
CSubtopology< Simplex< dimension >, subtopologyDim > | |
CSubtopology< Tetrahedron, 0 > | |
CSubtopology< Tetrahedron, 1 > | |
CSubtopology< Tetrahedron, 2 > | |
CSubtopology< Triangle, 0 > | |
CSubtopology< Triangle, 1 > | |
CSubtopology< Wedge, 0 > | |
CSubtopology< Wedge, 1 > | |
CSubtopology< Wedge, 2 > | |
CTetrahedron | |
CTriangle | |
CVertex | |
CWedge | |
►NVTK | |
CEntityShapeGroup | |
CEntityShapeGroup< EntityShape::Polygon > | |
CEntityShapeGroup< EntityShape::Polyhedron > | |
CEntityShapeGroupChecker | |
CEntityShapeGroupElement | |
CEntityShapeGroupElement< EntityShape::Polygon, 0 > | |
CEntityShapeGroupElement< EntityShape::Polygon, 1 > | |
CEntityShapeGroupElement< EntityShape::Polyhedron, 0 > | |
CEntityShapeGroupElement< EntityShape::Polyhedron, 1 > | |
CEntityShapeGroupElement< EntityShape::Polyhedron, 2 > | |
CEntityShapeGroupElement< EntityShape::Polyhedron, 3 > | |
CEntityShapeGroupElement< EntityShape::Polyhedron, 4 > | |
CEntityShapeGroupElement< EntityShape::Polyhedron, 5 > | |
CGridEntityShape | |
CTopologyToEntityShape | |
CTopologyToEntityShape< Topologies::Edge > | |
CTopologyToEntityShape< Topologies::Hexahedron > | |
CTopologyToEntityShape< Topologies::Polygon > | |
CTopologyToEntityShape< Topologies::Polyhedron > | |
CTopologyToEntityShape< Topologies::Pyramid > | |
CTopologyToEntityShape< Topologies::Quadrangle > | |
CTopologyToEntityShape< Topologies::Tetrahedron > | |
CTopologyToEntityShape< Topologies::Triangle > | |
CTopologyToEntityShape< Topologies::Vertex > | |
CTopologyToEntityShape< Topologies::Wedge > | |
►NWriters | Namespace for mesh writers |
►Ndetails | |
CMeshEntitiesFPMAWriter | |
CAsymptoteWriter | |
CAsymptoteWriter< Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > > | |
CFPMAWriter | |
CGnuplotWriter | Writer of data linked with meshes into Gnuplot format |
CNetgenWriter | |
CPVTIWriter | |
CPVTUWriter | |
CVTIWriter | Writer of data linked with meshes into VTI format |
CVTKWriter | Writer of data linked with meshes into VTK format |
CVTUWriter | |
CBoundaryGridEntityChecker | |
CCuthillMcKeeOrdering | |
CDefaultConfig | |
CDimensionTag | |
CDimensionTag< 0 > | |
CDummyMesh | |
CEntityDecomposer | |
CEntityDecomposer< MeshConfig, Topologies::Polygon, EntityDecomposerVersion::ConnectEdgesToCentroid, SubentityDecomposerVersion > | |
CEntityDecomposer< MeshConfig, Topologies::Polygon, EntityDecomposerVersion::ConnectEdgesToPoint, SubentityDecomposerVersion > | |
CEntityDecomposer< MeshConfig, Topologies::Polyhedron, EntityDecomposerVersion::ConnectEdgesToCentroid, SubentityDecomposerVersion > | |
CEntityDecomposer< MeshConfig, Topologies::Polyhedron, EntityDecomposerVersion::ConnectEdgesToPoint, SubentityDecomposerVersion > | |
CEntityRefiner | |
CEntityRefiner< MeshConfig, Topologies::Hexahedron, EntityRefinerVersion::EdgeBisection > | |
CEntityRefiner< MeshConfig, Topologies::Quadrangle, EntityRefinerVersion::EdgeBisection > | |
CEntityRefiner< MeshConfig, Topologies::Tetrahedron, EntityRefinerVersion::EdgeBisection > | |
CEntityRefiner< MeshConfig, Topologies::Triangle, EntityRefinerVersion::EdgeBisection > | |
CEntityStorageRebinder | |
CGrid | Orthogonal n-dimensional grid |
CGridEntity | Structure describing a grid entity i.e., grid cells, faces, edges, vertexes and so on |
CGridEntityCenterGetter | |
►CGridTypeResolver | |
Cdetail | |
CIndexPermutationApplier | |
CInitializer | |
CisDistributedGrid | |
CisDistributedGrid< DistributedMeshes::DistributedMesh< Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > > > | |
CisDistributedMesh | |
CisDistributedMesh< DistributedMeshes::DistributedMesh< Mesh< Config, Device > > > | |
CisGrid | |
CisGrid< Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > > | |
CisMesh | |
CisMesh< Mesh< Config, Device > > | |
CMesh | |
CMeshBuilder | |
CMeshBuilderError | |
CMeshEntity | |
CMeshInitializableBase | |
CMeshInitializableBase< MeshConfig, Devices::Cuda, MeshType > | |
CMeshOrdering | |
CMeshOrdering< TNL::Meshes::Mesh< MeshConfig, Device >, Ordering > | |
►CMeshTypeResolver | |
Cdetail | |
CNDMetaGrid | Minimal class usable as Mesh in the Writers::VTIWriter |
CNeighbourGridEntityGetter | |
CTetrahedronConfig | |
CTriangleConfig | |
►NMPI | |
CComm | An RAII wrapper for custom MPI communicators |
CScopedInitializer | |
CTypeResolver | |
CTypeResolver< bool > | |
CTypeResolver< char > | |
CTypeResolver< double > | |
CTypeResolver< float > | |
CTypeResolver< int > | |
CTypeResolver< long double > | |
CTypeResolver< long int > | |
CTypeResolver< short int > | |
CTypeResolver< unsigned char > | |
CTypeResolver< unsigned int > | |
CTypeResolver< unsigned long int > | |
CTypeResolver< unsigned short int > | |
►NPointers | Namespace for TNL pointers |
CDevicePointer | The DevicePointer is like SharedPointer, except it takes an existing host object - there is no call to the ObjectType's constructor nor destructor |
►CDevicePointer< Object, Devices::Cuda > | Specialization of the DevicePointer for the CUDA device |
CPointerData | |
CDevicePointer< Object, Devices::Host > | Specialization of the DevicePointer for the host system |
CSharedPointer | Cross-device shared smart pointer |
►CSharedPointer< Object, Devices::Cuda > | Specialization of the SharedPointer for the CUDA device |
CPointerData | |
►CSharedPointer< Object, Devices::Host > | Specialization of the SharedPointer for the host system |
CPointerData | |
CSmartPointer | |
CSmartPointersRegister | |
CUniquePointer | Cross-device unique smart pointer |
►CUniquePointer< Object, Devices::Cuda > | Specialization of the UniquePointer for the CUDA device |
CPointerData | |
CUniquePointer< Object, Devices::Host > | Specialization of the UniquePointer for the host system |
►NSolvers | Namespace for solvers |
►NLinear | Namespace for linear system solvers |
►NPreconditioners | Namespace for preconditioners of linear system solvers |
CDiagonal | Diagonal (Jacobi) preconditioner for iterative solvers of linear systems |
CDiagonal< Matrices::DistributedMatrix< Matrix > > | Specialization of the diagonal preconditioner for distributed matrices |
CILU0 | Implementation of a preconditioner based on Incomplete LU |
CILU0_impl | |
CILU0_impl< Matrix, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > | |
CILU0_impl< Matrix, Real, Devices::Host, Index > | Implementation of a preconditioner based in Incomplete LU - specialization for CPU |
CILU0_impl< Matrix, Real, Devices::Sequential, Index > | |
CILUT | Implementation of a preconditioner based on Incomplete LU with thresholding |
CILUT_impl | |
CILUT_impl< Matrix, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > | |
CILUT_impl< Matrix, Real, Devices::Host, Index > | |
CILUT_impl< Matrix, Real, Devices::Sequential, Index > | |
CPreconditioner | Base class for preconditioners of of iterative solvers of linear systems |
CBICGStab | Iterative solver of linear systems based on the biconjugate gradient stabilized (BICGStab) method |
CBICGStabL | Iterative solver of linear systems based on the BICGStab(l) method |
CCG | Iterative solver of linear systems based on the conjugate gradient method |
CGMRES | Iterative solver of linear systems based on the Generalized minimal residual (GMRES) method |
CHypreBiCGSTAB | Wrapper for the BiCGSTAB solver in Hypre |
CHypreBoomerAMG | Wrapper for the BoomerAMG solver/preconditioner in Hypre |
CHypreDiagScale | Wrapper for the Jacobi preconditioner in Hypre |
CHypreEuclid | Wrapper for the Euclid preconditioner in Hypre |
CHypreFlexGMRES | Wrapper for the Flexible GMRES solver in Hypre |
CHypreGMRES | Wrapper for the GMRES solver in Hypre |
CHypreIdentity | Wrapper for the identity operator as a Hypre solver |
CHypreILU | Wrapper for Hypre's native parallel ILU preconditioner |
CHypreParaSails | Wrapper for the ParaSails preconditioner in Hypre |
CHyprePCG | Wrapper for the PCG solver in Hypre |
CHypreSolver | Abstract class for Hypre's solvers and preconditioners |
CHypreTriSolve | Wrapper for Hypre's preconditioner that is intended for matrices that are triangular in some ordering |
CIDRs | Iterative solver of linear systems based on the IDR(s) method |
CJacobi | Iterative solver of linear systems based on the Jacobi method |
CLinearResidueGetter | |
CLinearSolver | Base class for iterative solvers of systems of linear equations |
CSOR | Iterative solver of linear systems based on the Successive-overrelaxation (SOR) or Gauss-Seidel method |
CTFQMR | Iterative solver of linear systems based on the Transpose-free quasi-minimal residual (TFQMR) method |
CTraits | |
CTraits< Matrices::DistributedMatrix< Matrix > > | |
►NODE | Namespace for solvers of ordinary differential equations |
►NMethods | Namespace for numerical methods for ODE solvers |
CBogackiShampin | Third order Bogacki-Shampin method with adaptive time step |
CCashKarp | Fifth order Cash-Karp method with adaptive time step |
CDormandPrince | Fifth order Dormand-Prince method also known as ode45 from Matlab with adaptive step size |
CEuler | First order Euler method |
CFehlberg2 | Second order Fehlbergs's method with adaptive time step |
CFehlberg5 | Fifth order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method with adaptive time step |
CHeun2 | Second order Heun's method and Heun-Euler method with adaptive time step |
CHeun3 | Third order Heun's method |
CKutta | Third order Kutta's method |
CKuttaMerson | Fourth order Runge-Kutta-Merson method with adaptive step size |
CMidpoint | Second order midpoint method |
COriginalRungeKutta | Fourth order Runge-Kutta method |
CRalston2 | Second order Ralstons's method |
CRalston3 | Third order Ralston's method |
CRalston4 | Fourth order Ralstons's method |
CRule38 | Fourth order 3/8 rule method |
CSSPRK3 | Third order Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta method |
CVanDerHouwenWray | Third order Van der Houwen's-Wray's method |
CExplicitSolver | Base class for ODE solvers |
CODESolver | Integrator or solver of systems of ordinary differential equations |
CODESolver< Method, Vector, SolverMonitor, false > | |
CODESolver< Method, Vector, SolverMonitor, true > | |
CStaticExplicitSolver | Base class for ODE solvers and explicit solvers od PDEs |
►NOptimization | |
CAdaGrad | |
CGradientDescent | |
CMomentum | |
CNesterovMomentum | |
CRMSProp | |
CConfigTagDevice | |
CConfigTagExplicitSolver | |
CConfigTagIndex | |
CConfigTagIndex< FastBuildConfigTag, long int > | |
CConfigTagIndex< FastBuildConfigTag, short int > | |
CConfigTagMeshResolve | |
CConfigTagReal | |
CConfigTagReal< FastBuildConfigTag, float > | |
CConfigTagReal< FastBuildConfigTag, long double > | |
CConfigTagTimeDiscretisation | |
CConfigTagTimeDiscretisation< FastBuildConfigTag, ExplicitTimeDiscretisationTag > | |
CConfigTagTimeDiscretisation< FastBuildConfigTag, ImplicitTimeDiscretisationTag > | |
CConfigTagTimeDiscretisation< FastBuildConfigTag, SemiImplicitTimeDiscretisationTag > | |
CDefaultBuildConfigTag | |
CExplicitEulerSolverTag | |
CExplicitMersonSolverTag | |
CExplicitTimeDiscretisationTag | |
CFastBuildConfigTag | |
CGinkgoConvergenceLoggerMonitor | A Ginkgo Convergence logger with a TNL iterative solver monitor |
CImplicitTimeDiscretisationTag | |
CIterativeSolver | Base class for iterative solvers |
CIterativeSolverMonitor | Object for monitoring convergence of iterative solvers |
CSemiImplicitTimeDiscretisationTag | |
CSolver | |
CSolverConfig | |
CSolverInitiator | |
CSolverInitiatorDeviceResolver | |
CSolverInitiatorDeviceResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, ConfigTag, false > | |
CSolverInitiatorDeviceResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, ConfigTag, true > | |
CSolverInitiatorIndexResolver | |
CSolverInitiatorIndexResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, Index, ConfigTag, false > | |
CSolverInitiatorIndexResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, Index, ConfigTag, true > | |
CSolverInitiatorMeshResolver | |
CSolverInitiatorMeshResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, Index, ConfigTag, false > | |
CSolverInitiatorMeshResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, Index, ConfigTag, true > | |
CSolverInitiatorRealResolver | |
CSolverInitiatorRealResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, ConfigTag, false > | |
CSolverInitiatorRealResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, ConfigTag, true > | |
CSolverMonitor | Base class for solver monitors |
CSolverMonitorThread | A RAII wrapper for launching the SolverMonitor's main loop in a separate thread |
CSolverStarter | |
CSolverStarterExplicitSolverSetter | |
CSolverStarterExplicitSolverSetter< Problem, ExplicitSolverTag, ConfigTag, false > | |
CSolverStarterExplicitSolverSetter< Problem, ExplicitSolverTag, ConfigTag, true > | |
CSolverStarterTimeDiscretisationSetter | |
CSolverStarterTimeDiscretisationSetter< Problem, ExplicitTimeDiscretisationTag, ConfigTag, true > | |
CSolverStarterTimeDiscretisationSetter< Problem, ImplicitTimeDiscretisationTag, ConfigTag, true > | |
CSolverStarterTimeDiscretisationSetter< Problem, SemiImplicitTimeDiscretisationTag, ConfigTag, true > | |
CSolverStarterTimeDiscretisationSetter< Problem, TimeDiscretisationTag, ConfigTag, false > | |
CStaticIterativeSolver | Base class for iterative solvers |
CTimeDependencyResolver | |
CTimeDependencyResolver< Problem, ConfigTag, false > | |
CTimeDependencyResolver< Problem, ConfigTag, true > | |
CUserDefinedTimeDiscretisationSetter | |
CUserDefinedTimeDiscretisationSetter< Problem, ConfigTag, void > | |
Callocates_host_accessible_data | A trait-class that determines if an allocator allocates data that are directly accessible from the host code without the need for explicit copy operations |
Callocates_host_accessible_data< Allocators::Cuda< T > > | |
Callocates_host_accessible_data< Allocators::Hip< T > > | |
CAnyWithArg | Function object implementing argany(x, y, i, j) , i.e. returning the first true value and its index |
CAtomic | |
CAtomic< T, Devices::Cuda > | |
CAtomic< T, Devices::Sequential > | |
CBitAnd | Extension of std::bit_and<void> for use with TNL::Algorithms::reduce |
CBitOr | Extension of std::bit_or<void> for use with TNL::Algorithms::reduce |
CBitXor | Extension of std::bit_xor<void> for use with TNL::Algorithms::reduce |
►CCast | |
COperation | |
►Ccopy_const | Copy const qualifier from Source type to Target type |
Cfrom | |
CCPUCacheSizes | CPU cache sizes |
CCPUInfo | CPU information |
Cenable_if_type | |
CFile | This class serves for binary IO. It allows to do IO even for data allocated on GPU together with on-the-fly data type conversion |
CFileName | Helper class for the construction of file names based on name, index and extension |
CGetValueType | Get the underlying value type of T |
CHasAddAssignmentOperator | Type trait for checking if T has operator+= taking one argument of type T |
CHasConstexprGetSizeMethod | Type trait for checking if T has a constexpr getSize method |
CHasCountMember | Type trait for checking if T has count member |
CHasGetArrayDataMethod | Type trait for checking if T has getArrayData method |
CHasGetCommunicatorMethod | Type trait for checking if T has getCommunicator method |
CHasGetSizeMethod | Type trait for checking if T has getSize method |
CHasSetSizeMethod | Type trait for checking if T has setSize method |
CHasSubscriptOperator | Type trait for checking if T has operator[] taking one index argument |
CHypre | A simple RAII wrapper for Hypre's initialization and finalization |
Cis_complex | |
Cis_complex< Arithmetics::Complex< T > > | |
Cis_complex< const T > | |
Cis_complex< std::complex< T > > | |
Cis_complex< volatile const T > | |
Cis_complex< volatile T > | |
CIsArrayType | Type trait for checking if T is an array type, e.g. Containers::Array or Containers::Vector |
CIsScalarType | Type trait for checking if T is a scalar type (in the mathemtatical sense). Not to be confused with std::is_scalar |
CIsStaticArrayType | Type trait for checking if T is a static array type |
CIsVectorType | Type trait for checking if T is a vector type, e.g. Containers::Vector or Containers::VectorView |
CIsViewType | Type trait for checking if T is a view type |
CLogger | Creates calculations log in the form of a table |
CLogicalAnd | Function object implementing x && y |
CLogicalOr | Function object implementing x || y |
CMax | Function object implementing max(x, y) |
CMaxWithArg | Function object implementing argmax(x, y, i, j) , i.e. returning the maximum value and its index |
CMin | Function object implementing min(x, y) |
CMinWithArg | Function object implementing argmin(x, y, i, j) , i.e. returning the minimum value and its index |
CMultiplies | Function object implementing x * y |
CObject | Basic class for majority of TNL objects like matrices, meshes, grids, solvers, etc. |
CPerformanceCounters | Performance counter for measuring CPU cycles |
CPlus | Function object implementing x + y |
CReal | |
CString | Class for managing strings |
CTimer | Class for real time, CPU time and CPU cycles measuring |
CtnlFlopsCounter | |
CUnaryPlus | Function object implementing +x |