__cuda_callable__ | MultidiagonalMatrixView ()=default |
| Constructor with no parameters.
__cuda_callable__ | MultidiagonalMatrixView (const MultidiagonalMatrixView &)=default |
| Copy constructor.
__cuda_callable__ | MultidiagonalMatrixView (MultidiagonalMatrixView &&) noexcept=default |
| Move constructor.
__cuda_callable__ | MultidiagonalMatrixView (typename Base::ValuesViewType values, typename Base::DiagonalOffsetsView diagonalOffsets, typename Base::HostDiagonalOffsetsView hostDiagonalOffsets, typename Base::IndexerType indexer) |
| Constructor with all necessary data and views.
__cuda_callable__ void | bind (MultidiagonalMatrixView view) |
| Method for rebinding (reinitialization) using another multidiagonal matrix view.
ConstViewType | getConstView () const |
| Returns a non-modifiable view of the multidiagonal matrix.
ViewType | getView () |
| Returns a modifiable view of the multidiagonal matrix.
MultidiagonalMatrixView & | operator= (const MultidiagonalMatrixView &)=delete |
| Copy-assignment operator.
MultidiagonalMatrixView & | operator= (MultidiagonalMatrixView &&)=delete |
| Move-assignment operator.
void | save (File &file) const |
| Method for saving the matrix to a file.
__cuda_callable__ | MultidiagonalMatrixBase ()=default |
| Constructor with no parameters.
__cuda_callable__ | MultidiagonalMatrixBase (const MultidiagonalMatrixBase &)=default |
| Copy constructor.
__cuda_callable__ | MultidiagonalMatrixBase (MultidiagonalMatrixBase &&) noexcept=default |
| Move constructor.
__cuda_callable__ | MultidiagonalMatrixBase (typename Base::ValuesViewType values, DiagonalOffsetsView diagonalOffsets, HostDiagonalOffsetsView hostDiagonalOffsets, IndexerType indexer) |
| Constructor with all necessary data and views.
__cuda_callable__ void | addElement (IndexType row, IndexType column, const RealType &value, const RealType &thisElementMultiplicator=1.0) |
| Add element at given row and column to given value.
void | addMatrix (const MultidiagonalMatrixBase< Real_, Device_, Index_, Organization_ > &matrix, const RealType &matrixMultiplicator=1.0, const RealType &thisMatrixMultiplicator=1.0) |
void | forAllElements (Function &function) |
| This method calls forElements for all matrix rows.
void | forAllElements (Function &function) const |
| This method calls forElements for all matrix rows (for constant instances).
void | forAllRows (Function &&function) |
| Method for parallel iteration over all matrix rows.
void | forAllRows (Function &&function) const |
| Method for parallel iteration over all matrix rows for constant instances.
void | forElements (IndexType begin, IndexType end, Function &function) |
| Method for iteration over all matrix rows for non-constant instances.
void | forElements (IndexType begin, IndexType end, Function &function) const |
| Method for iteration over all matrix rows for constant instances.
void | forRows (IndexType begin, IndexType end, Function &&function) |
| Method for parallel iteration over matrix rows from interval [begin, end) .
void | forRows (IndexType begin, IndexType end, Function &&function) const |
| Method for parallel iteration over matrix rows from interval [begin, end) for constant instances.
void | getCompressedRowLengths (Vector &rowLengths) const |
| Computes number of non-zeros in each row.
__cuda_callable__ DiagonalOffsetsView | getDiagonalOffsets () |
| Returns a view for the vector of diagonal offsets.
__cuda_callable__ DiagonalOffsetsView::ConstViewType | getDiagonalOffsets () const |
| Returns a view for the vector of diagonal offsets.
__cuda_callable__ IndexType | getDiagonalsCount () const |
| Returns number of diagonals.
__cuda_callable__ RealType | getElement (IndexType row, IndexType column) const |
| Returns value of matrix element at position given by its row and column index.
__cuda_callable__ IndexerType & | getIndexer () |
| This method returns matrix elements indexer used by this matrix.
__cuda_callable__ const IndexerType & | getIndexer () const |
| This method returns matrix elements indexer used by this matrix.
IndexType | getNonzeroElementsCount () const override |
| Returns number of non-zero matrix elements.
__cuda_callable__ RowView | getRow (IndexType rowIdx) |
| Non-constant getter of simple structure for accessing given matrix row.
__cuda_callable__ ConstRowView | getRow (IndexType rowIdx) const |
| Constant getter of simple structure for accessing given matrix row.
void | getRowCapacities (Vector &rowCapacities) const |
| Compute capacities of all rows.
bool | operator!= (const MultidiagonalMatrixBase< Real_, Device_, Index_, Organization_ > &matrix) const |
| Comparison operator with another multidiagonal matrix.
MultidiagonalMatrixBase & | operator= (const MultidiagonalMatrixBase &)=delete |
| Copy-assignment operator.
MultidiagonalMatrixBase & | operator= (MultidiagonalMatrixBase &&)=delete |
| Move-assignment operator.
bool | operator== (const MultidiagonalMatrixBase< Real_, Device_, Index_, Organization_ > &matrix) const |
| Comparison operator with another multidiagonal matrix.
void | print (std::ostream &str) const |
| Method for printing the matrix to output stream.
void | reduceAllRows (Fetch &&fetch, const Reduce &reduce, Keep &&keep, const FetchReal &identity) const |
| Method for performing general reduction on all matrix rows for constant instances.
void | reduceRows (IndexType begin, IndexType end, Fetch &&fetch, const Reduce &reduce, Keep &&keep, const FetchReal &identity) const |
| Method for performing general reduction on matrix rows for constant instances.
void | sequentialForAllRows (Function &function) |
| This method calls sequentialForRows for all matrix rows.
void | sequentialForAllRows (Function &function) const |
| This method calls sequentialForRows for all matrix rows (for constant instances).
void | sequentialForRows (IndexType begin, IndexType end, Function &function) |
| Method for sequential iteration over all matrix rows for non-constant instances.
void | sequentialForRows (IndexType begin, IndexType end, Function &function) const |
| Method for sequential iteration over all matrix rows for constant instances.
__cuda_callable__ void | setElement (IndexType row, IndexType column, const RealType &value) |
| Sets element at given row and column to given value.
void | setValue (const RealType &value) |
| Set all matrix elements to given value.
void | vectorProduct (const InVector &inVector, OutVector &outVector, RealType matrixMultiplicator=1.0, RealType outVectorMultiplicator=0.0, IndexType begin=0, IndexType end=0) const |
| Computes product of matrix and vector.
__cuda_callable__ | MatrixBase ()=default |
| Basic constructor with no parameters.
__cuda_callable__ | MatrixBase (const MatrixBase &view)=default |
| Shallow copy constructor.
__cuda_callable__ | MatrixBase (IndexType rows, IndexType columns, ValuesViewType values) |
| Constructor with matrix dimensions and matrix elements values.
__cuda_callable__ | MatrixBase (MatrixBase &&view) noexcept=default |
| Move constructor.
IndexType | getAllocatedElementsCount () const |
| Tells the number of allocated matrix elements.
__cuda_callable__ IndexType | getColumns () const |
| Returns number of matrix columns.
__cuda_callable__ IndexType | getRows () const |
| Returns number of matrix rows.
__cuda_callable__ ValuesViewType & | getValues () |
| Returns a reference to a vector with the matrix elements values.
__cuda_callable__ const ValuesViewType & | getValues () const |
| Returns a constant reference to a vector with the matrix elements values.
__cuda_callable__ MatrixBase & | operator= (const MatrixBase &)=delete |
| Copy-assignment operator.
__cuda_callable__ MatrixBase & | operator= (MatrixBase &&)=delete |
| Move-assignment operator.