Template Numerical Library version\ main:4e58ea6
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TNL::Solvers::ODE Namespace Reference

Namespace for solvers of ordinary differential equations. More...


namespace  Methods
 Namespace for numerical methods for ODE solvers.


class  ExplicitSolver
 Base class for ODE solvers. More...
struct  ODESolver
 Integrator or solver of systems of ordinary differential equations. More...
struct  ODESolver< Method, Vector, SolverMonitor, false >
struct  ODESolver< Method, Vector, SolverMonitor, true >
class  StaticExplicitSolver
 Base class for ODE solvers and explicit solvers od PDEs. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for solvers of ordinary differential equations.

This namespace contains solvers of ordinary differential equations characterized by the following equations:

\[ \frac{d \vec u}{dt} = \vec f( t, \vec u) \text{ on } (0,T), \]

\[ \vec u( 0 ) = \vec u_{ini}. \]

This class of problems can be solved by TNL::Solvers::ODE::ODESolver and some of the numerical methods defined in TNL::Solvers::ODE::Methods namespace.