Template Numerical Library version\ main:ab3532f7
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TNL::Solvers::Linear::Preconditioners Namespace Reference

Namespace for preconditioners of linear system solvers. More...


class  Diagonal
 Diagonal (Jacobi) preconditioner for iterative solvers of linear systems. More...
class  Diagonal< Matrices::DistributedMatrix< Matrix > >
 Specialization of the diagonal preconditioner for distributed matrices. More...
class  ILU0
 Implementation of a preconditioner based on Incomplete LU. More...
class  ILU0_impl
class  ILU0_impl< Matrix, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index >
class  ILU0_impl< Matrix, Real, Devices::Host, Index >
 Implementation of a preconditioner based in Incomplete LU - specialization for CPU. More...
class  ILU0_impl< Matrix, Real, Devices::Sequential, Index >
class  ILUT
 Implementation of a preconditioner based on Incomplete LU with thresholding. More...
class  ILUT_impl
class  ILUT_impl< Matrix, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index >
class  ILUT_impl< Matrix, Real, Devices::Host, Index >
class  ILUT_impl< Matrix, Real, Devices::Sequential, Index >
class  Preconditioner
 Base class for preconditioners of of iterative solvers of linear systems. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for preconditioners of linear system solvers.

This namespace contains the following preconditioners for iterative solvers linear systems.

  1. Diagonal - is diagonal or Jacobi preconditioner - seeNetlib
  2. ILU0 - is Incomplete LU preconditioner with the same sparsity pattern as the original matrix - see Wikipedia
  3. ILUT - is Incomplete LU preconiditoner with thresholding - see paper by Y. Saad