Template Numerical Library version\ main:4e58ea6
No Matches
TNL::Meshes Namespace Reference

Namespace for numerical meshes and related objects. More...


namespace  BuildConfigTags
 Namespace for the configuration of the GridTypeResolver and MeshTypeResolver using so-called build config tags and partial class template specializations.
namespace  Readers
 Namespace for mesh readers.
namespace  Topologies
 Namespace for unstructured mesh entity topologies.
namespace  Writers
 Namespace for mesh writers.


class  BoundaryGridEntityChecker
struct  CuthillMcKeeOrdering
struct  DefaultConfig
class  DimensionTag
class  DimensionTag< 0 >
class  DummyMesh
struct  EntityDecomposer
struct  EntityDecomposer< MeshConfig, Topologies::Polygon, EntityDecomposerVersion::ConnectEdgesToCentroid, SubentityDecomposerVersion >
struct  EntityDecomposer< MeshConfig, Topologies::Polygon, EntityDecomposerVersion::ConnectEdgesToPoint, SubentityDecomposerVersion >
struct  EntityDecomposer< MeshConfig, Topologies::Polyhedron, EntityDecomposerVersion::ConnectEdgesToCentroid, SubentityDecomposerVersion >
struct  EntityDecomposer< MeshConfig, Topologies::Polyhedron, EntityDecomposerVersion::ConnectEdgesToPoint, SubentityDecomposerVersion >
struct  EntityRefiner
struct  EntityRefiner< MeshConfig, Topologies::Hexahedron, EntityRefinerVersion::EdgeBisection >
struct  EntityRefiner< MeshConfig, Topologies::Quadrangle, EntityRefinerVersion::EdgeBisection >
struct  EntityRefiner< MeshConfig, Topologies::Tetrahedron, EntityRefinerVersion::EdgeBisection >
struct  EntityRefiner< MeshConfig, Topologies::Triangle, EntityRefinerVersion::EdgeBisection >
class  EntityStorageRebinder
class  Grid
 Orthogonal n-dimensional grid. More...
class  GridEntity
 Structure describing a grid entity i.e., grid cells, faces, edges, vertexes and so on. More...
class  GridEntityCenterGetter
class  GridTypeResolver
struct  IndexPermutationApplier
class  Initializer
class  isDistributedGrid
class  isDistributedGrid< DistributedMeshes::DistributedMesh< Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > > >
class  isDistributedMesh
class  isDistributedMesh< DistributedMeshes::DistributedMesh< Mesh< Config, Device > > >
class  isGrid
class  isGrid< Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > >
class  isMesh
class  isMesh< Mesh< Config, Device > >
class  Mesh
class  MeshBuilder
struct  MeshBuilderError
class  MeshEntity
class  MeshInitializableBase
class  MeshInitializableBase< MeshConfig, Devices::Cuda, MeshType >
struct  MeshOrdering
struct  MeshOrdering< TNL::Meshes::Mesh< MeshConfig, Device >, Ordering >
class  MeshTypeResolver
class  NDMetaGrid
 Minimal class usable as Mesh in the Writers::VTIWriter. More...
class  NeighbourGridEntityGetter
struct  TetrahedronConfig
struct  TriangleConfig


enum class  EntityDecomposerVersion { ConnectEdgesToCentroid , ConnectEdgesToPoint }
enum class  EntityRefinerVersion { EdgeBisection }


template<EntityDecomposerVersion DecomposerVersion, EntityDecomposerVersion SubdecomposerVersion = EntityDecomposerVersion::ConnectEdgesToPoint, typename MeshConfig , std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Polygon >, bool > = true>
auto decomposeMesh (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Devices::Host > &inMesh)
template<EntityDecomposerVersion DecomposerVersion, EntityDecomposerVersion SubdecomposerVersion = EntityDecomposerVersion::ConnectEdgesToPoint, typename MeshConfig , std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Polygon >, bool > = true>
auto getDecomposedMesh (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Devices::Host > &inMesh)
template<typename Grid , int EntityDimension>
__cuda_callable__ Grid::PointType getEntityCenter (const Grid &grid, const GridEntity< Grid, EntityDimension > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device , typename EntityTopology >
__cuda_callable__ MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::PointType getEntityCenter (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, EntityTopology > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::PointType getEntityCenter (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Vertex > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityCircumradius (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Edge > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityCircumradius (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Tetrahedron > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityCircumradius (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Triangle > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device , typename Topology >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityCircumradius (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topology > &entity)
template<typename Grid >
__cuda_callable__ Grid::RealType getEntityMeasure (const Grid &grid, const GridEntity< Grid, 0 > &entity)
template<typename Grid , int EntityDimension, typename Config >
__cuda_callable__ Grid::RealType getEntityMeasure (const Grid &grid, const GridEntity< Grid, EntityDimension > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityMeasure (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Edge > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityMeasure (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Hexahedron > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device , std::enable_if_t< MeshConfig::spaceDimension==2, bool > = true>
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityMeasure (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Polygon > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityMeasure (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Polyhedron > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityMeasure (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Pyramid > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityMeasure (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Quadrangle > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityMeasure (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Tetrahedron > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityMeasure (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Triangle > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityMeasure (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Vertex > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getEntityMeasure (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Wedge > &entity)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device , typename EntityTopology >
__cuda_callable__ MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::PointType getNormalVector (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, EntityTopology > &entity)
template<typename Grid >
__cuda_callable__ Grid::PointType getOutwardNormalVector (const Grid &grid, const GridEntity< Grid, 0 > &face, const typename Grid::PointType cellCenter)
template<typename Grid >
__cuda_callable__ Grid::PointType getOutwardNormalVector (const Grid &grid, const GridEntity< Grid, 1 > &face, const typename Grid::PointType cellCenter)
template<typename Grid >
__cuda_callable__ Grid::PointType getOutwardNormalVector (const Grid &grid, const GridEntity< Grid, 2 > &face, const typename Grid::PointType cellCenter)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device , typename EntityTopology >
__cuda_callable__ MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::PointType getOutwardNormalVector (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, EntityTopology > &face, typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::PointType cellCenter)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::PointType getOutwardNormalVector (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Edge > &face, typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::PointType cellCenter)
template<EntityDecomposerVersion DecomposerVersion, typename MeshConfig , std::enable_if_t< MeshConfig::spaceDimension==3 &&(std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Polygon >||std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Polyhedron >), bool > = true>
auto getPlanarMesh (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Devices::Host > &inMesh)
template<int Coord1, int Coord2, typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
__cuda_callable__ MeshConfig::RealType getPolygon2DArea (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Polygon > &entity)
template<EntityRefinerVersion RefinerVersion, typename MeshConfig , std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Triangle >||std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Quadrangle >||std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Tetrahedron >||std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Hexahedron >, bool > = true>
auto getRefinedMesh (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Devices::Host > &inMesh)
template<typename VectorExpression >
__cuda_callable__ VectorExpression::RealType getTetrahedronVolume (const VectorExpression &v1, const VectorExpression &v2, const VectorExpression &v3)
template<typename VectorExpression , std::enable_if_t< VectorExpression::getSize()==2, bool > = true>
__cuda_callable__ VectorExpression::RealType getTriangleArea (const VectorExpression &v1, const VectorExpression &v2)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device , std::enable_if_t< MeshConfig::spaceDimension==3, bool > = true>
__cuda_callable__ bool isPlanar (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, Topologies::Polygon > &entity, const typename MeshConfig::RealType precision)
template<typename Mesh >
bool loadDistributedMesh (DistributedMeshes::DistributedMesh< Mesh > &distributedMesh, const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileFormat="auto", const MPI::Comm &communicator=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
template<typename Mesh >
bool loadMesh (Mesh &mesh, const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileFormat="auto")
template<typename MeshConfig >
bool loadMesh (Mesh< MeshConfig, Devices::Cuda > &mesh, const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileFormat="auto")
template<int Dimension, typename Real , typename Device , typename Index >
bool operator!= (const Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > &lhs, const Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > &rhs)
 Comparison operator for grid.
template<int Dimension, typename Real , typename Device , typename Index >
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &str, const Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > &grid)
 Serialization of the grid structure.
template<class Grid , int EntityDimension>
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &str, const GridEntity< Grid, EntityDimension > &entity)
 Overloaded insertion operator for printing a grid entity to output stream.
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device >
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &str, const Mesh< MeshConfig, Device > &mesh)
template<typename MeshConfig , typename Device , typename EntityTopology >
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &str, const MeshEntity< MeshConfig, Device, EntityTopology > &entity)
template<int Dimension, typename Real , typename Device , typename Index >
bool operator== (const Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > &lhs, const Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > &rhs)
 Comparison operator for grid.
template<EntityDecomposerVersion DecomposerVersion, typename MeshConfig , std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Polygon >, bool > = true, std::enable_if_t< MeshConfig::spaceDimension==3, bool > = true>
auto planarCorrection (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Devices::Host > &inMesh)
template<EntityDecomposerVersion DecomposerVersion, typename MeshConfig , std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Polyhedron >, bool > = true>
auto planarCorrection (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Devices::Host > &inMesh)
template<EntityRefinerVersion RefinerVersion, typename MeshConfig , std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Triangle >||std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Quadrangle >||std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Tetrahedron >||std::is_same_v< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, Topologies::Hexahedron >, bool > = true>
auto refineMesh (const Mesh< MeshConfig, Devices::Host > &inMesh)
template<typename ConfigTag , typename Device , typename Functor >
bool resolveAndLoadDistributedMesh (Functor &&functor, const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileFormat="auto", const MPI::Comm &communicator=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
template<typename ConfigTag , typename Device , typename Functor >
bool resolveAndLoadMesh (Functor &&functor, const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileFormat="auto", const std::string &realType="auto", const std::string &globalIndexType="auto")
template<typename ConfigTag , typename Device , typename Functor >
bool resolveDistributedMeshType (Functor &&functor, const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileFormat="auto")
template<typename ConfigTag , typename Device , typename Functor >
bool resolveMeshType (Functor &&functor, const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileFormat="auto", const std::string &realType="auto", const std::string &globalIndexType="auto")

Detailed Description

Namespace for numerical meshes and related objects.

Function Documentation

◆ loadMesh()

template<typename Mesh >
bool TNL::Meshes::loadMesh ( Mesh & mesh,
const std::string & fileName,
const std::string & fileFormat = "auto" )

This function takes a file name and a mesh instance and attempts to load the mesh from the file into the object.

The use of this function in combination with resolveMeshType should be avoided. Use resolveAndLoadMesh instead to reuse the mesh reader instance created in resolveMeshType.

◆ operator!=()

template<int Dimension, typename Real , typename Device , typename Index >
bool TNL::Meshes::operator!= ( const Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > & lhs,
const Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > & rhs )

Comparison operator for grid.

Template Parameters
Dimensionis grid dimension.
Realis type of the floating point numbers of grid.
Deviceis the device to be used for the execution of grid operations.
Indexis type for indexing of the mesh entities of grid.
lhsis an instance of one grid.
rhsis an instance of another grid.
true if the grids are different.
false if both grids are equal.

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

template<int Dimension, typename Real , typename Device , typename Index >
std::ostream & TNL::Meshes::operator<< ( std::ostream & str,
const Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > & grid )

Serialization of the grid structure.

Template Parameters
Dimensionis grid dimension.
Realis type of the floating point numbers of grid.
Deviceis the device to be used for the execution of grid operations.
Indexis type for indexing of the mesh entities of grid.
stris output stream.
gridis an instance of grid.
std::ostream& is reference on the input stream.

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

template<class Grid , int EntityDimension>
std::ostream & TNL::Meshes::operator<< ( std::ostream & str,
const GridEntity< Grid, EntityDimension > & entity )

Overloaded insertion operator for printing a grid entity to output stream.

Template Parameters
Gridtype of grid the grid entity belongs to.
EntityDimensiondimension of the grid entity.
strinsertion operator.
entityinstance of the grid entity.
std::ostream& reference to the insertion operator.

◆ operator==()

template<int Dimension, typename Real , typename Device , typename Index >
bool TNL::Meshes::operator== ( const Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > & lhs,
const Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > & rhs )

Comparison operator for grid.

Template Parameters
Dimensionis grid dimension.
Realis type of the floating point numbers of grid.
Deviceis the device to be used for the execution of grid operations.
Indexis type for indexing of the mesh entities of grid.
lhsis an instance of one grid.
rhsis an instance of another grid.
true if both grids are equal.
false if the grids are different.

◆ resolveAndLoadMesh()

template<typename ConfigTag , typename Device , typename Functor >
bool TNL::Meshes::resolveAndLoadMesh ( Functor && functor,
const std::string & fileName,
const std::string & fileFormat = "auto",
const std::string & realType = "auto",
const std::string & globalIndexType = "auto" )

This function dues the same as resolveMeshType, but also reuses the mesh reader instance to load the mesh before passing it to the functor. In pseudo-code:

using Reader = [based on file type detection]
Reader reader;
using MeshType = [black magic]
MeshType mesh;
if( ! reader.readMesh( mesh ) )
return false;
return functor( reader, mesh );

◆ resolveMeshType()

template<typename ConfigTag , typename Device , typename Functor >
bool TNL::Meshes::resolveMeshType ( Functor && functor,
const std::string & fileName,
const std::string & fileFormat = "auto",
const std::string & realType = "auto",
const std::string & globalIndexType = "auto" )

This function does the following (in pseudo-code):

using Reader = [based on file type detection]
Reader reader;
using MeshType = [black magic]
MeshType mesh;
return functor( reader, mesh );

The functor should be a generic lambda expression with the following signature (or an equivalent functor):

auto functor = [] ( auto& reader, auto&& mesh ) -> bool {};