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TNL::Solvers::Linear::GMRES< Matrix > Class Template Reference

Iterative solver of linear systems based on the Generalized minimal residual (GMRES) method. More...

#include <TNL/Solvers/Linear/GMRES.h>

Inheritance diagram for TNL::Solvers::Linear::GMRES< Matrix >:
Collaboration diagram for TNL::Solvers::Linear::GMRES< Matrix >:

Public Types

using ConstVectorViewType = typename Base::ConstVectorViewType
 Type for constant vector view.
using DeviceType = typename Base::DeviceType
 Device where the solver will run on and auxillary data will alloacted on.
using IndexType = typename Base::IndexType
 Type for indexing.
using RealType = typename Base::RealType
 Floating point type used for computations.
using VectorViewType = typename Base::VectorViewType
 Type for vector view.
- Public Types inherited from TNL::Solvers::Linear::LinearSolver< Matrix >
using ConstVectorViewType = typename Traits< Matrix >::ConstVectorViewType
 Type for constant vector view.
using DeviceType = typename Matrix::DeviceType
 Device where the solver will run on and auxillary data will alloacted on.
using IndexType = typename Matrix::IndexType
 Type for indexing.
using MatrixPointer = std::shared_ptr< std::add_const_t< MatrixType > >
 Type of shared pointer to the matrix.
using MatrixType = Matrix
 Type of the matrix representing the linear system.
using PreconditionerPointer = std::shared_ptr< std::add_const_t< PreconditionerType > >
 Type of shared pointer to the preconditioner.
using PreconditionerType = Preconditioners::Preconditioner< MatrixType >
 Type of preconditioner.
using RealType = typename Matrix::RealType
 Floating point type used for computations.
using VectorViewType = typename Traits< Matrix >::VectorViewType
 Type for vector view.
- Public Types inherited from TNL::Solvers::IterativeSolver< Matrix::RealType, Matrix::IndexType >
using SolverMonitorType
 Type of an object used for monitoring of the convergence.

Public Member Functions

bool setup (const Config::ParameterContainer &parameters, const String &prefix="") override
 Method for setup of the linear iterative solver based on configuration parameters.
bool solve (ConstVectorViewType b, VectorViewType x) override
 Method for solving of a linear system.
- Public Member Functions inherited from TNL::Solvers::Linear::LinearSolver< Matrix >
virtual ~LinearSolver ()
 Default destructor.
void setMatrix (const MatrixPointer &matrix)
 Set the matrix of the linear system.
void setPreconditioner (const PreconditionerPointer &preconditioner)
 Set the preconditioner.
- Public Member Functions inherited from TNL::Solvers::IterativeSolver< Matrix::RealType, Matrix::IndexType >
 IterativeSolver ()=default
 Default constructor.
bool checkConvergence ()
 Checks whether the convergence occurred already.
bool checkNextIteration ()
 Checks if the solver is allowed to do the next iteration.
const Matrix::RealType & getConvergenceResidue () const
 Gets the the convergence threshold.
const Matrix::RealType & getDivergenceResidue () const
 Gets the limit for the divergence criterion.
const Matrix::IndexType & getIterations () const
 Gets the number of iterations performed by the solver so far.
const Matrix::IndexType & getMaxIterations () const
 Gets the maximal number of iterations the solver is allowed to perform.
const Matrix::IndexType & getMinIterations () const
 Gets the minimal number of iterations the solver is supposed to do.
const Matrix::RealType & getResidue () const
 Gets the residue reached at the current iteration.
bool nextIteration ()
 Proceeds to the next iteration.
void resetIterations ()
 Sets the the number of the current iterations to zero.
void setConvergenceResidue (const Matrix::RealType &convergenceResidue)
 Sets the threshold for the convergence.
void setDivergenceResidue (const Matrix::RealType &divergenceResidue)
 Sets the residue limit for the divergence criterion.
void setMaxIterations (const Matrix::IndexType &maxIterations)
 Sets the maximal number of iterations the solver is allowed to perform.
void setMinIterations (const Matrix::IndexType &minIterations)
 Sets the minimal number of iterations the solver is supposed to do.
void setRefreshRate (const Matrix::IndexType &refreshRate)
 Sets the refresh rate (in milliseconds) for the solver monitor.
void setResidue (const Matrix::RealType &residue)
 Sets the residue reached at the current iteration.
void setSolverMonitor (SolverMonitorType &solverMonitor)
 Sets the solver monitor object.
bool setup (const Config::ParameterContainer &parameters, const std::string &prefix="")
 Method for setup of the iterative solver based on configuration parameters.

Static Public Member Functions

static void configSetup (Config::ConfigDescription &config, const String &prefix="")
 This is method defines configuration entries for setup of the linear iterative solver.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TNL::Solvers::Linear::LinearSolver< Matrix >
static void configSetup (Config::ConfigDescription &config, const String &prefix="")
 This method defines configuration entries for setup of the linear iterative solver.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TNL::Solvers::IterativeSolver< Matrix::RealType, Matrix::IndexType >
static void configSetup (Config::ConfigDescription &config, const std::string &prefix="")
 This method defines configuration entries for setup of the iterative solver.

Protected Types

using ConstDeviceView = typename Traits::ConstLocalViewType
using DeviceVector = typename Traits::LocalVectorType
using DeviceView = typename Traits::LocalViewType
using HostVector = typename DeviceVector::template Self< RealType, Devices::Host >
using HostView = typename DeviceView::template Self< RealType, Devices::Host >
enum class  Variant {
using VectorType = typename Traits::VectorType

Protected Member Functions

void apply_givens_rotations (int i, int m)
void applyPlaneRotation (RealType &dx, RealType &dy, RealType &cs, RealType &sn)
void compute_residue (VectorViewType r, ConstVectorViewType x, ConstVectorViewType b)
void generatePlaneRotation (RealType &dx, RealType &dy, RealType &cs, RealType &sn)
void hauseholder_apply_trunc (HostView out, int i, VectorViewType y_i, ConstVectorViewType z)
void hauseholder_cwy (VectorViewType v, int i)
void hauseholder_cwy_transposed (VectorViewType z, int i, ConstVectorViewType w)
void hauseholder_generate (int i, VectorViewType y_i, ConstVectorViewType z)
int orthogonalize_CGS (int m, RealType normb, RealType beta)
int orthogonalize_CWY (int m, RealType normb, RealType beta)
int orthogonalize_MGS (int m, RealType normb, RealType beta)
void preconditioned_matvec (VectorViewType w, ConstVectorViewType v)
void setSize (const VectorViewType &x)
template<typename Vector >
void update (int k, int m, const HostVector &H, const HostVector &s, DeviceVector &V, Vector &x)

Static Protected Member Functions

template<typename M >
static IndexType getLocalOffset (const M &m)
template<typename M >
static IndexType getLocalOffset (const Matrices::DistributedMatrix< M > &m)

Protected Attributes

VectorType _M_tmp
HostVector cs
HostVector H
IndexType ldSize = 0
IndexType localOffset = 0
VectorType r
int restarting_max = 10
int restarting_min = 10
int restarting_step_max = 3
int restarting_step_min = 3
HostVector s
IndexType size = 0
HostVector sn
HostVector T
DeviceVector V
Variant variant = Variant::CWY
VectorType w
DeviceVector Y
HostVector YL
VectorType z
- Protected Attributes inherited from TNL::Solvers::Linear::LinearSolver< Matrix >
MatrixPointer matrix = nullptr
PreconditionerPointer preconditioner = nullptr
- Protected Attributes inherited from TNL::Solvers::IterativeSolver< Matrix::RealType, Matrix::IndexType >
Matrix::RealType convergenceResidue
Matrix::IndexType currentIteration
Matrix::RealType currentResidue
Matrix::RealType divergenceResidue
Matrix::IndexType maxIterations
Matrix::IndexType minIterations
Matrix::IndexType refreshRate
std::ofstream residualHistoryFile
std::string residualHistoryFileName
IterativeSolverMonitor< Matrix::RealType, Matrix::IndexType > * solverMonitor

Detailed Description

template<typename Matrix>
class TNL::Solvers::Linear::GMRES< Matrix >

Iterative solver of linear systems based on the Generalized minimal residual (GMRES) method.

This method can be used for solving of non-semmetric linear systems. This implementation offers various methods for the orthogonalization of vectors generated by the Arnoldi algorithm. The user may choose one of the following:

CGS - Classical Gramm-Schmidt,

CGSR - Classical Gramm-Schmidt with reorthogonalization,

MGS - Modified Gramm-Schmidt,

MGSR - Modified Gramm-Schmidt with reorthogonalization (the default one),

CWY - Compact WY form of the Householder reflections).

See Wikipedia for more details.

See TNL::Solvers::Linear::LinearSolver for example of showing how to use the linear solvers.

Template Parameters
Matrixis type of matrix describing the linear system.

Member Function Documentation

◆ configSetup()

template<typename Matrix >
void TNL::Solvers::Linear::GMRES< Matrix >::configSetup ( Config::ConfigDescription & config,
const String & prefix = "" )

This is method defines configuration entries for setup of the linear iterative solver.

In addition to config entries defined by IterativeSolver::configSetup, this method defines the following:

gmres-variant - Algorithm used for the orthogonalization - CGS (Classical Gramm-Schmidt), CGSR(Classical Gramm-Schmidt with reorthogonalization), MGS(Modified Gramm-Schmidt), MGSR(Modified Gramm-Schmidt with reorthogonalization), CWY(Compact WY form of the Householder reflections).

gmres-restarting-min - minimal number of iterations after which the GMRES restarts.

gmres-restarting-max - maximal number of iterations after which the GMRES restarts.

gmres-restarting-step-min - minimal adjusting step for the adaptivity of the GMRES restarting parameter.

gmres-restarting-step-max - maximal adjusting step for the adaptivity of the GMRES restarting parameter.

configcontains description of configuration parameters.
prefixis a prefix of particular configuration entries.

◆ setup()

template<typename Matrix >
bool TNL::Solvers::Linear::GMRES< Matrix >::setup ( const Config::ParameterContainer & parameters,
const String & prefix = "" )

Method for setup of the linear iterative solver based on configuration parameters.

parameterscontains values of the define configuration entries.
prefixis a prefix of particular configuration entries.

Reimplemented from TNL::Solvers::Linear::LinearSolver< Matrix >.

◆ solve()

template<typename Matrix >
bool TNL::Solvers::Linear::GMRES< Matrix >::solve ( ConstVectorViewType b,
VectorViewType x )

Method for solving of a linear system.

See LinearSolver::solve for more details.

bvector with the right-hand side of the linear system.
xvector for the solution of the linear system.
true if the solver converged.
false if the solver did not converge.

Implements TNL::Solvers::Linear::LinearSolver< Matrix >.

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