No Matches
Here is a list of all documented typedefs with links to the class documentation for each member:
- o -
- ObjectType : TNL::Pointers::DevicePointer< Object, Devices::Cuda >, TNL::Pointers::DevicePointer< Object, Devices::Host >, TNL::Pointers::SharedPointer< Object, Devices::Cuda >, TNL::Pointers::SharedPointer< Object, Devices::Host >, TNL::Pointers::UniquePointer< Object, Devices::Cuda >, TNL::Pointers::UniquePointer< Object, Devices::Host >
- OffsetsContainer : TNL::Algorithms::Segments::CSR< Device, Index, IndexAllocator >
- OffsetsView : TNL::Algorithms::Segments::CSRBase< Device, Index >
- OverlapsType : TNL::Containers::DistributedNDArray< NDArray >, TNL::Containers::DistributedNDArrayView< NDArrayView >, TNL::Containers::NDArrayIndexer< SizesHolder, Permutation, Base, StridesHolder, Overlaps >, TNL::Containers::NDArrayStorage< Array, Indexer, Device >, TNL::Containers::NDArrayView< Value, Device, Indexer >