Template Numerical Library version\ main:ab3532f7
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TNL::Algorithms::Segments Namespace Reference

Namespace for the segments data structures. More...


class  BiEllpack
class  BiEllpackBase
class  BiEllpackSegmentView
class  BiEllpackView
class  ChunkedEllpack
class  ChunkedEllpackBase
class  ChunkedEllpackSegmentView
class  ChunkedEllpackSegmentView< Index, ColumnMajorOrder >
class  ChunkedEllpackSegmentView< Index, RowMajorOrder >
class  ChunkedEllpackView
class  CSR
 Data structure for CSR segments format. More...
class  CSRBase
 CSRBase serves as a base class for CSR and CSRView. More...
class  CSRView
 CSRView is provides a non-owning encapsulation of data stored in the CSR segments format. More...
struct  DefaultElementsOrganization
class  Ellpack
class  EllpackBase
class  EllpackView
struct  GrowingSegments
struct  GrowingSegmentsView
class  SegmentElement
 Simple structure representing one element of a segment. More...
class  SegmentView
 Data structure for accessing particular segment. More...
class  SegmentView< Index, ColumnMajorOrder >
 Data structure for accessing particular segment. More...
class  SegmentView< Index, RowMajorOrder >
class  SegmentViewIterator
 Iterator for iterating over elements of a segment. More...
class  SlicedEllpack
class  SlicedEllpackBase
class  SlicedEllpackView


enum  ElementsOrganization { ColumnMajorOrder = 0 , RowMajorOrder }


template<typename Device, typename Index, ElementsOrganization Organization, int WarpSize>
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &str, const BiEllpackBase< Device, Index, Organization, WarpSize > &segments)
template<typename Device, typename Index, ElementsOrganization Organization>
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &str, const ChunkedEllpackBase< Device, Index, Organization > &segments)
template<typename Device, typename Index>
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &str, const CSRBase< Device, Index > &segments)
 Insertion operator of CSR segments to output stream.
template<typename Device, typename Index, ElementsOrganization Organization, int Alignment>
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &str, const EllpackBase< Device, Index, Organization, Alignment > &ellpack)
template<typename Device, typename Index, ElementsOrganization Organization, int SliceSize>
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &str, const SlicedEllpackBase< Device, Index, Organization, SliceSize > &segments)
template<typename Segments>
std::ostreamprintSegments (std::ostream &str, const Segments &segments)
 Print segments sizes, i.e. the segments setup.
template<typename Segments, typename Fetch>
std::ostreamprintSegments (std::ostream &str, const Segments &segments, Fetch &&fetch)

Detailed Description

Namespace for the segments data structures.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ElementsOrganization


Column-major order.


Row-major order.

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

template<typename Device, typename Index>
std::ostream & TNL::Algorithms::Segments::operator<< ( std::ostream & str,
const CSRBase< Device, Index > & segments )

Insertion operator of CSR segments to output stream.

Template Parameters
Deviceis the device type of the source segments.
Indexis the index type of the source segments.
IndexAllocatoris the index allocator of the source segments.
stris the output stream.
segmentsare the source segments.
reference to the output stream.

◆ printSegments()

template<typename Segments>
std::ostream & TNL::Algorithms::Segments::printSegments ( std::ostream & str,
const Segments & segments )

Print segments sizes, i.e. the segments setup.

Template Parameters
Segmentsis type of segments.
segmentsis an instance of segments.
stris output stream.
reference to the output stream.
#include <iostream>
#include <TNL/Containers/Vector.h>
#include <TNL/Algorithms/Segments/CSR.h>
#include <TNL/Algorithms/Segments/Ellpack.h>
#include <TNL/Algorithms/Segments/ChunkedEllpack.h>
#include <TNL/Algorithms/Segments/BiEllpack.h>
#include <TNL/Devices/Host.h>
#include <TNL/Devices/Cuda.h>
template< typename Segments >
* Create segments with given segments sizes and print their setup.
Segments segments{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
std::cout << "Segments sizes are: " << segments << std::endl << std::endl;
main( int argc, char* argv[] )
std::cout << "Example of CSR segments on host: " << std::endl;
SegmentsExample< TNL::Algorithms::Segments::CSR< TNL::Devices::Host, int > >();
std::cout << "Example of Ellpack segments on host: " << std::endl;
SegmentsExample< TNL::Algorithms::Segments::Ellpack< TNL::Devices::Host, int > >();
std::cout << "Example of ChunkedEllpack segments on host: " << std::endl;
SegmentsExample< TNL::Algorithms::Segments::ChunkedEllpack< TNL::Devices::Host, int > >();
std::cout << "Example of BiEllpack segments on host: " << std::endl;
SegmentsExample< TNL::Algorithms::Segments::BiEllpack< TNL::Devices::Host, int > >();
#ifdef __CUDACC__
std::cout << "Example of CSR segments on host: " << std::endl;
SegmentsExample< TNL::Algorithms::Segments::CSR< TNL::Devices::Cuda, int > >();
std::cout << "Example of Ellpack segments on host: " << std::endl;
SegmentsExample< TNL::Algorithms::Segments::Ellpack< TNL::Devices::Cuda, int > >();
std::cout << "Example of ChunkedEllpack segments on host: " << std::endl;
SegmentsExample< TNL::Algorithms::Segments::ChunkedEllpack< TNL::Devices::Cuda, int > >();
std::cout << "Example of BiEllpack segments on host: " << std::endl;
SegmentsExample< TNL::Algorithms::Segments::BiEllpack< TNL::Devices::Cuda, int > >();
T endl(T... args)
Namespace for the segments data structures.
Definition _NamespaceDoxy.h:7
Example of CSR segments on host:
Segments sizes are: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ]
Example of Ellpack segments on host:
Segments sizes are: [ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, ]
Example of ChunkedEllpack segments on host:
Segments sizes are: [ 17, 34, 51, 67, 87, ]
Example of BiEllpack segments on host:
Segments sizes are: [ 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, ]
Example of CSR segments on host:
Segments sizes are: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ]
Example of Ellpack segments on host:
Segments sizes are: [ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, ]
Example of ChunkedEllpack segments on host:
Segments sizes are: [ 17, 34, 51, 67, 87, ]
Example of BiEllpack segments on host:
Segments sizes are: [ 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, ]