Template Numerical Library version\ main:978fbd2
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TNL::Backend::LaunchConfiguration Struct Reference

Holds the parameters necessary to launch a CUDA or HIP kernel (i.e. schedule it for execution on some stream of some device). More...

#include <TNL/Backend/KernelLaunch.h>

Collaboration diagram for TNL::Backend::LaunchConfiguration:

Public Member Functions

constexpr LaunchConfiguration (const LaunchConfiguration &)=default
constexpr LaunchConfiguration (dim3 gridSize, dim3 blockSize, std::size_t dynamicSharedMemorySize=0U, Backend::stream_t stream=0, bool blockHostUntilFinished=true)
constexpr LaunchConfiguration (LaunchConfiguration &&)=default

Public Attributes

bool blockHostUntilFinished = true
 indicates whether host execution is blocked until the kernel execution is finished
dim3 blockSize
 kernel block dimensions (in threads)
std::size_t dynamicSharedMemorySize = 0U
 size of dynamic shared memory (in bytes per block)
dim3 gridSize
 kernel grid dimensions (in blocks)
Backend::stream_t stream = 0
 stream handle

Detailed Description

Holds the parameters necessary to launch a CUDA or HIP kernel (i.e. schedule it for execution on some stream of some device).

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: