Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
Nstd | STL namespace |
▼NTNL | The main TNL namespace |
▼NAlgorithms | Namespace for fundamental TNL algorithms |
NSegments | Namespace for the segments data structures |
NAllocators | Namespace for TNL allocators |
NAssert | Internal namespace for helper classes used in the TNL_ASSERT_* macros |
NBackend | Internal namespace for CUDA/HIP backend support |
Nbase64 | Namespace for base64 encoding and decoding functions |
NCFD | Namespace for Computational Fluid Dynamics utilities in TNL |
▼NContainers | Namespace for TNL containers |
NNDArraySyncPatterns | Namespace where synchronization patterns for distributed N-dimensional arrays are defined |
NDevices | Namespace for TNL execution models |
NExceptions | Namespace for TNL exceptions |
NImages | Namespace for image processing |
NMatrices | Namespace for matrix formats |
▼NMeshes | Namespace for numerical meshes and related objects |
NBuildConfigTags | Namespace for the configuration of the GridTypeResolver and MeshTypeResolver using so-called build config tags and partial class template specializations |
NReaders | Namespace for mesh readers |
NTopologies | Namespace for unstructured mesh entity topologies |
NWriters | Namespace for mesh writers |
NPointers | Namespace for TNL pointers |
▼NSolvers | Namespace for solvers |
▼NLinear | Namespace for linear system solvers |
NPreconditioners | Namespace for preconditioners of linear system solvers |
▼NODE | Namespace for solvers of ordinary differential equations |
▼NMethods | Namespace for numerical methods for ODE solvers |
NMatlab | Namespace for Matlab aliases for ODE solvers |