Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- a -
- A : TNL::Solvers::Linear::HypreSolver
- allocator : TNL::Containers::Array< Value, Device, Index, Allocator >
- array : TNL::Containers::NDArrayStorage< Array, Indexer, Device >, TNL::Containers::NDArrayView< Value, Device, Indexer >
- async_op : TNL::Containers::ByteArraySynchronizer< Device, Index >, TNL::Containers::DistributedNDArraySynchronizer< DistributedNDArray >
- b -
- c -
- columnIndexes : TNL::Matrices::SparseMatrix< Real, Device, Index, MatrixType_, Segments, ComputeReal, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >
- communicator : TNL::Containers::DistributedNDArray< NDArray >, TNL::Containers::DistributedNDArrayView< NDArrayView >
- cumulativeEntitiesCountAlongNormals : TNL::Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >
- d -
- data : TNL::Containers::Array< Value, Device, Index, Allocator >, TNL::Containers::ArrayView< Value, Device, Index >
- dimension : TNL::Containers::Block< D, idx_ >
- dimensions : TNL::Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >
- dynamicSharedMemorySize : TNL::Backend::LaunchConfiguration
- e -
- g -
- i -
- l -
- n -
- o -
- s -
- segmentPointers : TNL::Algorithms::Segments::ChunkedEllpack< Device, Index, IndexAllocator, Organization >, TNL::Algorithms::Segments::ChunkedEllpackBase< Device, Index, Organization >
- segments : TNL::Matrices::DenseMatrix< Real, Device, Index, Organization, RealAllocator >, TNL::Matrices::SparseMatrix< Real, Device, Index, MatrixType_, Segments, ComputeReal, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >
- segmentToChunkMapping : TNL::Algorithms::Segments::ChunkedEllpack< Device, Index, IndexAllocator, Organization >, TNL::Algorithms::Segments::ChunkedEllpackBase< Device, Index, Organization >
- segmentToSliceMapping : TNL::Algorithms::Segments::ChunkedEllpack< Device, Index, IndexAllocator, Organization >, TNL::Algorithms::Segments::ChunkedEllpackBase< Device, Index, Organization >
- sendBuffers : TNL::Meshes::DistributedMeshes::DistributedMeshSynchronizer< DistributedMesh, EntityDimension >
- setup_called : TNL::Solvers::Linear::HypreSolver
- size : TNL::Containers::Array< Value, Device, Index, Allocator >, TNL::Containers::ArrayView< Value, Device, Index >
- sizes : TNL::Containers::NDArrayIndexer< SizesHolder, Permutation, Base, StridesHolder, Overlaps >
- solver : TNL::Solvers::Linear::HypreSolver
- spaceStepsPowersSize : TNL::Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >
- stream : TNL::Backend::LaunchConfiguration, TNL::Logger
- v -
- values : TNL::Matrices::DenseMatrix< Real, Device, Index, Organization, RealAllocator >, TNL::Matrices::MultidiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index, Organization, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >, TNL::Matrices::SparseMatrix< Real, Device, Index, MatrixType_, Segments, ComputeReal, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >, TNL::Matrices::TridiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index, Organization, RealAllocator >
- w -