Template Numerical Library version\ main:52827a2
No Matches
Wrappers for the Ginkgo library


class  TNL::Containers::GinkgoVector< Value, Device >
 Wrapper for representing vectors using Ginkgo data structure. More...
class  TNL::Matrices::GinkgoOperator< Matrix >
 Wraps a general TNL matrix as a Ginkgo LinOp. More...
class  TNL::Solvers::GinkgoConvergenceLoggerMonitor< ValueType, IndexType >
 A Ginkgo Convergence logger with a TNL iterative solver monitor. More...


template<typename Matrix >
auto TNL::Matrices::getGinkgoMatrixCsr (std::shared_ptr< const gko::Executor > exec, Matrix &matrix) -> std::unique_ptr< gko::matrix::Csr< typename Matrix::RealType, typename Matrix::IndexType > >
 Converts any TNL sparse matrix to a Ginkgo Csr matrix.
template<typename Matrix >
auto TNL::Matrices::getGinkgoMatrixCsrView (std::shared_ptr< const gko::Executor > exec, Matrix &matrix) -> std::unique_ptr< gko::matrix::Csr< typename Matrix::RealType, typename Matrix::IndexType > >
 Creates a Ginkgo Csr matrix view from a TNL CSR matrix.

Detailed Description

This group includes various wrapper classes and helper funct for data structures and algorithms implemented in the Ginkgo library. See the examples for how these wrappers can be used.